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Fit staff are productive staff

There has been a lot of coverage recently about the positive impact of exercise on the brain. It seems that not only does exercise help manage stress, have positive physical effects, it also increases working memory and boosts mood which is itself know to help to make connections and to improve cognition.Scientists believe that exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which may help prolong healthy brain cells. Much of the research has been done on mice but increasingly scientists are linking the results to humans too.

For example mice that ran three miles each night doubled their hippocampus size – the part of the brain associated with making and storing memories.  Other studies have recorded improved test scores for fitter students and even greater productivity from fitter employees.  The study claims that fitter employees are as much as 15 per cent more productive. In another study scientist contend that the brain functions better if we are walking or at least moving around.

There is some evidence from evolution that our brain functioning developed whilst we were moving and hence the brain is actually designed to function most effectively when we are on the move.

Think about it, how likely is it our ancestors sat around discussing hunting tactics? They were much more likely to be seeking the prey and developing ideas to trap or kill it on the move. Jamie Burr kinesiology professor in the faculty of applied human sciences at the University of Prince Edward Island suggests conducting walking meetings which mirror how he believes the brain developed helps it to work better.

So should HR be promoting a fitter life style for employees? If so how would you go about this? One idea is to role model what you expect of others. So instead of booking a meeting room conduct the meeting on the go. Arrange to meet and walk maybe to the coffee shop but better still just around the block or office campus discussing your agenda.

Another idea is to take stretch breaks frequently throughout the day. This refreshes the brain and is also beneficial for freeing up tension, which builds from sitting in front of a computer.

We have been using coaching on the go in our workshops. Walking whilst coaching increases energy for the topic, creativity to solve problems and seems to help participants be more open to ideas that come up as a result. Several people have kept the practice up after the workshops.

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